Thursday, April 21, 2011

Already Frogged!

So, there's a contest for unfinished projects.  Not doing me too much good, because I already ripped my unfinished stuff last month.  I had a good day with the ball winder, and my yarn stash grew in inverse proportion to my projects stash.  I needed to clean up the mess.  It was seriously keeping me from moving forward.  I wanted to start some new projects, and the old, unfinished stuff was keeping me from doing that.  Seriously, the only projects I have started and completed for a couple months are more socks.  Well, we're all socked up, here.  And we need to move on.
I did make lace socks, a la Carol Wurst, this week.  I made short socks, for my crocs.
Socks, it turns out, are like potato chips.  You really just can't stop.  Cousin K was here on Tuesday for Quilting day, and she graciously agreed to  accept a pair of  cashmere lace socks the next time we quilt.  I was so happy to have a home for another pair so that I could make them without guilt.  Then, as I was efficiently packing away the ripped yarn, I found a cone of 2/6 cotton.  Sounds like more socks to me.  Perhaps my problem was NOT UFO guilt.  

1 comment:

isrbrown said...

Wow... maybe UFOs are not as prevalent as I thought? Glad you had one to enter with. :D