Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A great, but hot!, day at the Fair

Darling Cousin K and I went to the fair, with DCK's granddaughter and gd's friend. We were treated to, and entertained by, in no particular order, visits to the places the girls had been yesterday when they went to the fair with spa-purchasing parents, demonstrations of the recliner-footrests in the back seat of Toyota vans; free water at the DEC building; maple cotton candy; frisbee dogs, tigers, the wool barn, and some short forays into the Pigs/llamas/goats/ sheep/ rabbits exhibits; lunch in the international building; the butter sculpture; the home and art center, with all the quilts and needlework competitions; the Agriculture museum, where we found the derivation of the idiom 'to knock off' work; Where all the vendors with $1 water are; the live music by the center for progress; 19 trips through the horticulture building (seemed like); bitty baby outfits; apple dumpling sundaes; and fudge, of course.

We needed all that water. It was a scorcher! Happliy, they did not announce the temperature on the fairgrounds.

We all got in for free, some of us for being old, some for being young.
By the time I got home, i was too tired to fill DH in on all of our adventures...

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